Bruce Wayne the Orphan

 Background of Bruce Wayne the Orphan
  As a child, Bruce Wayne witnesses his parents being gunned down by a thief, which results in his becoming an orphan in Batman Begins (2005). The scenario of the child as an orphan is common in literature and other media, since the child is free to become more of an adventurous spirit since he not tied down familial obligations.

Also, the lack of parental guidance often prompts a child to search for his origins and meaning. Bruce Wayne searches for meaning in Batman Begins by seeking out Ra’s al Ghul and commencing his training. Wayne wishes to discover his destiny and avenge the death of his parents by adopting his crime-fighting alter-ego, Batman.

Other examples of orphan children in literature including in many Charles Dickens novels such as Great Expectations, David Copperfield, and Oliver.

Other superhero orphans include: Superman, Spider-Man, and Daredevil, to name a few.

  Newly Orphaned Bruce Wayne from Batman Begins
Newly orphaned Bruce Wayne

Mentmore Towers
Bruce Wayne's detached but determined nature is shaped by his orphanhood
 Appears in the Following Films
  Batman Begins (2005)
The Dark Knight (2008)


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